Member Since 2005 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 360 | 32 Reviews Written | 2,096 Review Responses
I have completed my Master's of Science degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and want to focus on serving the LGBTQIA community and the Alt/Kink/Poly communities in my work. I used to be a poker tournament director and floorperson at the world famous Binion's Gambling Hall in downtown Las Vegas. Before that, I was high school Spanish and Theatre teacher. I am happily married and (thankfully) have NO kids. I have an original short story published here: under my penname, Jess Alynn. Thanks for taking a chance and reading my stories! :)
Oh, and check out the "trailer" for Phantom of Hogwarts that xtahsee made for me on youtube!
Search Works by Good_Witch
Current parameters show 17 of 17 stories.
Phantom of Hogwarts
by Good_Witch
7.33/10 (1,533 Ratings, 0 Likes, 788 Favorites )*NOW COMPLETE* How in the world does Hogwarts come to be doing a performance of The Phantom of the Opera? And just why is Snape so pissed about it?
668,038 Words, Started 04/12/2005, Completed 07/01/2010
Not to the Manor Born
by Good_Witch
7.17/10 (88 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )*Now Complete*
Written for nothingness101, as her SSHG Exchange BINGO prize. She requested: "A slightly fluffy Christmas romance which is a call back to the pureblood Snape of pre HBP. Basic story line about how Snape and Hermione get together, and I'd prefer a post war story. Thinking formal ball(s), formal courting, curtseys, formal address (Lord and Lady), maybe some family jewels (and maybe some Snape family to go with them). Please feature a frisky drunk Snape and lots and lots o' lemons."----I did my best!
AU post OotP, the tale of how Snape and Hermione helped defeat the Dark Lord, how their relationship developed, and how Snape Manor came into play.
Thanks to Gelsey for always being there to help me with this whole writing thing!
39,348 Words, Started 02/22/2013, Completed 08/08/2013
Reading the Stories That Scars Tell
by Good_Witch
7.19/10 (57 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )How did Snape survive Nagini’s attack, how did he and Hermione get together, and how did Prince Manor get involved?
This was written for the 2011 SSHG Exchange, in response to aleysiasnape's prompt: Severus and Hermione are trapped somewhere in Prince Manor while exploring.
44,802 Words, Started 12/08/2011, Completed 12/09/2011
Kindness Has Its Own Rewards
by Good_Witch
7.26/10 (23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 128 Favorites )Page 394 Challenge Response! Hermione is embarrassed at her 5 Year class reunion, and Snape is the unlikely person to comfort her. In an unexpected show of kindness, everything changes between them. A Porn-Without-(MUCH)Plot...
7,780 Words, Started 04/11/2005, Completed 04/11/2005
Eve of Battle
by Good_Witch
7.11/10 (19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 97 Favorites )Hermione surprises Snape on the eve of the Final Battle. They both get what they want. Dirty smut!
3,758 Words, Started 04/11/2005, Completed 04/11/2005
Christmas Wishes Do Come True
by Good_Witch
5.78/10 (18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )A silly, fluffy Christmas vignette featuring Snape, Hermione, and a Santa suit.
2,158 Words, Started 12/21/2007, Completed 12/21/2007
If This Is a Spell Gone Wrong, I Don't Want to Be Right!
by Good_Witch
6.24/10 (17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 40 Favorites )Professor Hermione Granger is surprised by a desperate Professor Snape after a Slytherin scuffle. What highly unusual situation results from a spell gone wrong, and why is it not so disastrous after all?
2,040 Words, Started 11/13/2006, Completed 11/13/2006
Triple Viktory
by Good_Witch
0.57/10 (14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )Snape survives Nagini with Hermione and Harry’s help, meaning he owes them a life debt. After years of trying to make their relationships with Ron and Ginny work, things go really pear-shaped, and Hermione and Harry cash in their debt with Snape in a manner he never would have expected (even if he had dared to hope). The strange part is: they all owe Viktor in some way or another for ending up together!
Thanks to my feedback team: gelsey, darkcelestial20, snapeybears, silverdoe7127, Sarah, and Kathy, and thanks to alienor77310 for such a challenging, fun prompt!
Please note: the epilogue is completely optional and is not necessary to have a complete experience of the story. Frankly, it is pure smut with a lot of focus on slashy SS/HP, which is why it’s separate from the main story, in case that’s not your cuppa (although, it’s there because my recipient does like that sort of thing!).
Original Prompt: 1) There are never enough threesomes involving Harry. Hermione and Harry realise just in time that marrying a Weasley (or at least, those Weasleys) is an error. They take advantage of the life debt Snape owes them to hide at his place. Weasley bashing welcome, happy 3some - even if short-lived - required.
28,477 Words, Started 04/01/2013, Completed 04/01/2013
An Unlikely Trio
by Good_Witch
6.8/10 (10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 25 Favorites )Snape survives Nagini's attack, but only with the support of two unlikely allies. When all comes out, can all three of them make an unlikely trio?
4,306 Words, Started 10/26/2009, Completed 10/26/2009
To Be Her Champion
by Good_Witch
8.33/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Neville and Luna get closer during the Christmas holiday in Neville’s 7th year. In the face of war, they take comfort in each other—both in bed and in their hearts.
12,454 Words, Started 11/29/2010, Completed 11/29/2010
Watch, Feel, Love, Heal
by Good_Witch
1.67/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )After years of relying on each other to survive, now the Trio must rely on each other to live.
This is an entry into the Livejournal hp_kinkfest, 2011, responding to a prompt submitted by softobsidian74, plus more inspiration from a prompt submitted by mistress_ashley. The Kinks Showcased: voyeurism/exhibitionism, double penetration
18,344 Words, Started 02/12/2011, Completed 02/12/2011
Christmas Past and Present, but no Future
by Good_Witch
10.0/10 (4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )Christmas eve during seventh year with Snape and Lily. They've been close, but have grown apart. Can they become closer, or would that be a Christmas miracle?
2,867 Words, Started 12/21/2007, Completed 12/21/2007
Serious Power to Corrupt
by Good_Witch
7.5/10 (4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Severus is on a mission to get the Marauders expelled, only to be set upon by a motley group of animals. Only one, a huge black dog, finds him hiding in the Forbidden Forest and teaches him a lesson he’ll never forget. No happy endings here. Dark/disturbing/triggery—please pay attention to the warnings.
Content Notes/Warnings: Noncon/rape, bestiality, fitting into canon
Written for Livejournal HP_Kinkfest, prompt #456, submitted by serpenscript, optional supplementary prompt: Sometimes the thing to fear is not the thing that goes bump in the night, but the thing that goes hump in the night... Forced to run an errand at night, Severus runs into someone he'd rather not, and they're not about to let him go without a little fun first. If Snape is a virgin & straight, it would be especially delicious. As dark as you care to go, but no death please? Canine knotting is a deliciously perverse thing. :3
Showcasing kink: nonconsensual (penetrative) bestiality (werewolf or animagus)
4,048 Words, Started 07/14/2012, Completed 07/14/2012
There’s No Place Like Home
by Good_Witch
5.0/10 (2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )There's something wrong with the candy, and Ginny and Percy take the brunt of it. *Please pay attention to the warnings!*
Response to prompt #88 in LJ's Samhain_Smut fest 2010.
5,592 Words, Started 11/05/2010, Completed 11/05/2010
Living Up to Expectations
by Good_Witch
0.0/10 (2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Madam Pomfrey has to leave the hospital wing in Snape’s care. But the treatment Neville receives when he shows up after curfew is anything but therapeutic.
This is a response to the Livejournal HP_Darkfest, 2010, prompt: Pomfrey leaves Snape in charge of the hospital wing for a weekend when a family emergency calls her away from Hogwarts. When one of his most disliked students ends up in the hospital wing, he gets revenge by way of a thoroughly invasive, humiliating, and uncomfortable/painful exam. Prostate/vaginal exams, urethral insertions, breast exams, etc.
4,666 Words, Started 12/10/2010, Completed 12/10/2010
Emma Whitby's Risqué, Daring, Risky Dare
by Good_Witch
5.0/10 (2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Emma Whitby never thought such a wicked Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes dare could be so provocative...
4,335 Words, Started 11/30/2010, Completed 11/30/2010
Hot Cross Buns
by Good_Witch
0 Likes, 2 FavoritesWho is sneaking into the Hogwarts kitchens and why is it so delicious?
Written at the Lubricus Drabble Workshop by Alisanne and Lilyseyes with the prompt "porny bakery."
104 Words, Started 07/01/2011, Completed 07/01/2011