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Frogs In Winter 01
7.48/10 (44 Ratings, 2 Likes, 205 Favorites )Draco learns over drinks one night that Severus wants Hermione Granger in his bed, and drunkenly decides to acquire her for his godfather. Add in a mishap with Veritaserum, and more than the usual mayhem ensues!
14,742 Words, Started 06/06/2005, Completed 06/06/2005
The Mermaid and The Prince
by whimbley
7.21/10 (159 Ratings, 1 Like, 97 Favorites )Severus and Hermione discover a lost and injured merbaby and must return it to its rightful family, but along the way they run into a "fishy" situation.
35,089 Words, Started 07/05/2006, Updated 02/03/2008
Professing the Professor
by notsosaintly
7.61/10 (28 Ratings, 1 Like, 141 Favorites )What happens when a Muggle-born must teach a Pureblood how to drive a car?
8,797 Words, Started 04/04/2005, Completed 04/04/2005
Bewitching Her Mind
by notsosaintly
8.08/10 (93 Ratings, 1 Like, 257 Favorites )Hermione has been losing sleep. Is it her dreams that are keeping her awake... or could it be something else? (REWRITTEN: Dec 2005)
13,749 Words, Started 04/04/2005, Completed 04/04/2005
Silent Support
by sunny33
6.69/10 (268 Ratings, 1 Like, 252 Favorites )Hermione discovers something which irrevocably alters her beliefs and loyalties.
33,626 Words, Started 10/01/2009, Completed 12/22/2009
Mister Mom
by zambonigirl
7.32/10 (19 Ratings, 1 Like, 37 Favorites )When Hermione goes to a Charms Symposium, Snape must deal with their three children, and one of them is just as Slytherin as he is!
10,069 Words, Started 05/03/2005, Completed 05/09/2006
In Annulo
7.07/10 (489 Ratings, 1 Like, 1,118 Favorites )It began with a letter, and a secret. Was it madness to trust? Was it a secret salvation? Or was it all just lying on a ring, in the end...? (***HBP SPOILERS***)
350,912 Words, Started 12/01/2005, Completed 01/14/2006
The Best Laid Schemes
by StormySkize
7.68/10 (400 Ratings, 1 Like, 98 Favorites )Variety Challenge Winner... The Wizengamot has finally done it! They've gone and passed the Marriage and Baby Law. Neither Severus Snape nor Hermione Granger is happy with the choice made for them by the Ministry, so they hatch an elaborate scheme to thwart the new law--by marrying each other!
50,040 Words, Started 09/20/2009, Completed 10/13/2009
A Taxing Affair
6.75/10 (77 Ratings, 1 Like, 65 Favorites )The Prime Minister needs money. It strikes him that he knows where there may be some to be found. Severus and Hermione join forces to thwart him and to protect Lucius Malfoy, who has the most to lose.
43,862 Words, Started 02/02/2010, Completed 02/03/2010
Man's Best Friend
by notsosaintly
6.67/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )No, dog is NOT man's best friend.
1,785 Words, Started 04/04/2005, Completed 04/14/2005
An Afternoon at Malfoy Manor
by notsosaintly
7.0/10 (25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 55 Favorites )Rewritten: Pansy is the prey this fine afternoon; a mere plaything for father and son.
4,601 Words, Started 04/04/2005, Completed 04/04/2005
Polyjuice Mishap
6.36/10 (14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )Ron is jealous of Harry's relationship with Hermione. He and Ginny decide to take Polyjuice potion to get closer to them. Ooops!
2,024 Words, Started 04/09/2005, Completed 04/09/2005
A Night For Everyone
7.33/10 (24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )Ron goes from shy guy to stud while his best mates have a good time as well! Party in Hogsmeade!
4,762 Words, Started 04/07/2005, Completed 04/07/2005
A Child's Eyes
by PlaidPooka
7.67/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Children see what we've forgotten.
227 Words, Started 04/05/2005, Completed 04/05/2005
Draco's Bath
6.19/10 (16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Draco has lost once again to Harry, and he decides that a nice warm bath will help to relax him. Moaning Myrtle shows up for a little fun.
1,003 Words, Started 04/09/2005, Completed 04/09/2005
by notsosaintly
5.71/10 (7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )Rewritten: Percy submits to his master.
1,324 Words, Started 04/04/2005, Completed 04/04/2005
Hero for Lucius
8.55/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )As a request from Draco, Lucius keeps Snape's cover for just a little price. He wants a night with Harry in exchange for information and silence.
2,156 Words, Started 04/09/2005, Completed 04/09/2005
Grandmother Moon
by PlaidPooka
8.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Hell, I don't know. It's a poem, go read it! *giggle*
153 Words, Started 04/05/2005, Completed 04/05/2005
by notsosaintly
7.93/10 (15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 46 Favorites )A glimpse of the true relationship between Lucius and Severus.
2,168 Words, Started 04/04/2005, Completed 04/04/2005
If I Tried
10.0/10 (1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )I might have an idea where this one came from.......
60 Words, Started 12/11/2005, Completed 12/11/2005
Ode to Coffee
by notsosaintly
7.56/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Four couplets describing an addiction.
46 Words, Started 04/05/2005, Completed 04/05/2005
by PlaidPooka
9.67/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )It's a poem. It's a bit angsty, I suppose. Lol, I'm still fond of it, though I'm not that person any more.
212 Words, Started 04/05/2005, Completed 04/05/2005
Night Scene
by PlaidPooka
8.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Come take a walk with me.
176 Words, Started 04/05/2005, Completed 04/05/2005
The Hermann Chronicles
by Fairfield
9.28/10 (58 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )This tale is for readers interested in adventures and perspectives that a canon character could not reasonably have.
Is the House Cup a rigged game? Is Hermione Granger delusional? Is Harry Potter a bad thing? Is the Order of the Phoenix incompetent? Is the need for a hero a sign of society on the verge of collapse? Can an ordinary student betray everyone?
The beta was lisa725 from Perfect Imagination. Lisa corrected the punctuation, offered encouragement, and made several good suggestions. Thank you, Lisa.
99,714 Words, Started 05/28/2006, Completed 11/10/2006
Fighting with Honey
by lady_rhian
4.63/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )Severus and Hermione learn to resolve their marital issues...creatively. A two-part drabble series written for the grangersnape100.
1,109 Words, Started 07/21/2006, Completed 07/21/2006