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Tale As Old As Time
by articcat621
9.92/10 (12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )This is their story, of the girl who tamed the beast within.
6,348 Words, Started 08/04/2014, Updated 02/23/2015
The Banebrewer
9.9/10 (21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Wolfsbane Potion is illegal, but the illicit brewing continues. Ariadne Lupin can preserve the human mind of a werewolf, but can she reverse the mindset of a whole civilisation?
Part IV of “The Moon-Cursers”.
97,257 Words, Started 12/14/2009, Completed 01/12/2010
His Own True Heir
by scaranda
9.89/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )When Severus frees Lucius from Azkaban, he has nowhere else to take him but the safe house, the one in which Sirius Black is hiding.
25,479 Words, Started 01/04/2013, Updated 06/29/2015
Let it Snow!
by PlaidPooka
9.89/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 54 Favorites )Will the surly Potions Professor and the brainy Gryfindor learn more than how to drive?
2,223 Words, Started 04/19/2005, Completed 04/19/2005
The Lightness of Love
by karelia
9.88/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )A white stone talks to Severus.
309 Words, Started 11/20/2009, Completed 11/20/2009
The Surrogate
9.88/10 (16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )Hermione is desperate to get her academic life back on track. An apprenticeship in a challenging field is just what she needs. And she's determined to get one with Professor Snape no matter what the costs! But, when she hears his terms, can she live with them? This is a response to the Surrogate Mother Challenge on WIKTT. Complaint through OotP and parts of HBP.
I apologize, but I've basically lost all interest in continuing this fic. I'll likely never update it again. I have a good chunk of the next chapter and I may post it on my personal site when I get around to it. PLEASE do not e-mail me asking if you can see my outline and/or finish this fic for me. I don't want anyone doing that. Sorry.
28,494 Words, Started 04/26/2005, Updated 08/24/2005
Truth And Consequences
by NixItAll
9.86/10 (7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Remus and Hermione do fancy one another, but just can't seem to say it.
Ficlet written for LJ's portus_envy.
541 Words, Started 08/07/2008, Completed 08/07/2008
The Trouble With Time-Turners
by Keppiehed
9.83/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )There is an accident with a time-turner (thanks, Draco). Hilarity ensues. Or at least adventure.
5,240 Words, Started 09/26/2010, Completed 09/26/2010
Visions of Charm
by luvsev
9.83/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Trelawney has delusions of grandeur.
430 Words, Started 01/31/2010, Completed 01/31/2010
Haunted By Her Eyes
by MmeTherese
9.83/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Snape tells Harry why he hates him, and it's not the answer Harry was expecting.
11,760 Words, Started 04/05/2005, Updated 09/23/2005
A Cord of Three Strands
by Subversa
9.83/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )Remus knows it was foolish to offer to go with Harry, Ron, and Hermione on their quest. He realises his place is with his wife and their unborn child. The problem is, how will he get past Ted and Andromeda Tonks to plead his case with their daughter?
1,669 Words, Started 09/03/2007, Completed 09/03/2007
Locked in the Dungeon
by jamies_lady
9.83/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Lucius finds himself locked in a dungeon, at his mistress' pleasure.
2,556 Words, Started 08/27/2009, Completed 08/27/2009
It's Been Seven Years
by articcat621
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )It's been seven years since I saved Severus's life.
675 Words, Started 07/30/2014, Completed 07/30/2014
Her Deepest Desires
by articcat621
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Hermione looks to find the Mirror of Erised. She's curious as to what her deepest desire is. What will she do when she finds out what is?
4,645 Words, Started 09/11/2014, Completed 10/09/2014
Stopped with a Kiss
by Gelsey
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )An innocent kiss between kids makes some mothers very happy.
201 Words, Started 02/08/2008, Completed 02/08/2008
The Cradle Robber and the Cougar
by Drivelicious
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )James Potter is determined to win the heart of Hermione Granger, despite all of the obstacles.
5,294 Words, Started 10/11/2009, Completed 10/11/2009
Invitation to the Dance
by Fairfield
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Cho Chang as never seen before.
3,969 Words, Started 07/19/2014, Completed 08/03/2014
Still a Prince
by Alison
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Ever wonder how Snape acquired his teenage title? Not Snivellus, the other one!
745 Words, Started 04/13/2007, Completed 04/13/2007
The Stages of Affection
by Stefdarlin
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )A set of four flashfics following the courtship and romance of Filius and Pomona.
1,905 Words, Started 08/30/2008, Completed 10/10/2008
The Sly Puss
by stgulik
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Severus and Hermione learn something new about the familiar.
230 Words, Started 05/31/2015, Completed 05/31/2015
At Night
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )The night is full of surprises.
570 Words, Started 10/15/2009, Completed 10/15/2009
Moonlight Investigations
9.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Private Investigator Remus Lupin investigates a series of grisly murders in Hogsmeade, only to discover the last man he would have ever expected to see close to the crime scenes... Snape/Lupin
8,358 Words, Started 04/07/2008, Completed 04/07/2008
9.78/10 (9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )After the war, Hermione loses both herself and the one she loves. A dark fic where love knows no boundaries.
1,181 Words, Started 07/12/2008, Completed 07/12/2008